Picture this: a lawmaker helps influence the awarding of a government contract to a huge corporation. The corporation turns around and spends millions to help re-elect the same lawmaker -- all without disclosing a single cent. Sounds illegal, right? Think again.
This secret spending is possible thanks to a loophole in
election law. But here’s the good news: President Obama can close that
loophole with the stroke of a pen.
Corporate contractors are getting rich off your tax dollars --
and they don’t have to disclose a single cent of the money they spend on
electing (or re-electing) the same lawmakers that help influence who
those contracts are awarded to in the first place.
It doesn’t have to be this way. With a single executive order, the
president can require every single government contractor - Lockheed
Martin, Boeing, Merck, Haliburton, the whole nine yards - to disclose
every cent they spend to help elect or defeat politicians.
President Obama has said time and time again that he wants to
do something about the influence of dark money in politics. This is his
Thank you for everything you do to make this movement real.
John Sellers
The Other 98%
John Sellers
The Other 98%