RIP Ian Neal - Engineer and Founder of UK 9/11 Truth Campaign

Editor's Note: In response to the comment I've included below. If what you are saying is correct, one thing is certain, Judy Woods is not helping your case, but rather would seemingly be hurting it intentionally. Using easily debunkable evidence such as the dustification of the spire is a surefire way to make people disregard your theory...

RIP Ian Neal - Engineer and Founder of UK 9/11 Truth Campaign

Anthony Williams
RIP Ian, you did your best when nobody wanted to hear the Truth. Oddly enough, the red flag of an " inside job" as most rational people have understood 911 to be, is evidenced not at the site of " Ground Zero " as it has been subsequently called, but in several locations far away from New York, some as far as Alaska, where the seismic and magnetometric signals were checked after the event on that fateful day in New York.

The charts on the magnetometer measuring equipment show severe and abrupt changes in the polarity of the earth, from North to South, during the time of the collapse, and subsequently the indicator needles returned to normal positions after the collapses took place. The conclusion that can be drawn from this data is that during the collapse, there was a massive electrical interference , sufficient to abruptly disturb the north / south readings of earth's polarity, and this data was collected hundreds of miles away from New York. It follows therefore, that allegations of Directed Energy Weapons, might have been founded on such accredited data, and the spurious rumours of "mini nukes" or "nano thermite" or other kinetic weapons , was a smokescreen to distract, divert, and discredit genuine Engineering analysis of what happened on that day . The book by Dr. Judy Wood, "Where Did The Towers Go? " is the only definitive study of the events, and answers questions that were never addressed in the subsequent N.I.S.T. report.