South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS - The Truth About South Africa and Apartheid - The Fall of South Africa

South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story - White Genocide in South Africa is REAL! Farm Murders and Attacks! PETITIONS


“Immigration Priority to South African Farmers facing Systematic Land Confiscations and Murder.”

It is my hope that this petition will get the attention of President Elect Donald J. Trump and that he will take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States. All U.S intelligence agencies have confirmed that the refugees we are currently admitting from Somalia and the Middle East cannot be properly vetted; therefore, we are putting the Nation at risk by admitting them. However, South Africans can easily be vetted and also possess skills that make them compatible with our culture and civilization.

The mere mention of South Africa in a discussion provokes deep images of institutional racism, discrimination and horrific violence. An in-depth look at the controversial history of South Africa, Stefan Molyneux separates the fact from fiction and discusses: the communist history of South Africa, the South African Frontier Wars, the Suppression of Communism Act, the Bantu, population growth, racial demographics, catastrophic economic decisions, the devaluation of the S.A. Rand, rampant price inflation, affirmative action, family structure, one of the worst education systems in the world, unemployment, Eskom’s rolling power outages, white flight, rising criminality, an astronomical murder rate, horrific rape statistics, the rampant sexual abuse of children, prevalence of HIV/AIDS, white farmer genocide, police corruption, President Jacob Zuma, the “kill the Boer” song, life expectancy, road fatalities and the untold history of Apartheid.
