No More Inside Jobs! Tell the World and Secret Service How You Feel!

It Was A Set-Up

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Caught in Another Lie

Jesse Watters on FOX News caught Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe in another lie regarding the security detail for President Donald Trump.
Gateway Pundit

U.S. Secret Service
245 Murray Ln SW - BLDG T-5,
Washington, DC 20223

Make fliers with facts about this travesty juxtaposed with JFK and 9/11 truth and post them on poles, leave them at laundry mats and libraries, post on social media, show up your elected representative's office. Whatever you do, don't do nothing. Fight! Fight! Fight! 

Email to Pennsylvania politician Mike Kelly...
Dear Representative Kelly,

Regarding the deep state attempt to pull a JFK on President Trump...

This is embarrassing that this happened in our great state. I implore you to dig deeper and ask harder questions. People are also fed up with being called conspiracy theorists, when we are intelligent and patriotic Americans. We are also tired of being censored with this lame insult being as an used excuse to take away our God given rights. Your political career would not suffer by having backbone here, quite the contrary a d even if it did, the future of this great Republic would be worth it. 

Debunking the Debunkers: Debunking Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe's Press Conference---The Facts Dictate That Complicity Is More Logical Than Incompetence

End of email. 

Sign this dumbass petition, but leave scathing comments...

What activism ideas do you have? Get Brave! Get Busy!