Look back at 2019

As we transition to a new decade, the Lawyers' Committee would like to take this opportunity to highlight a few of our best videos of the past year, and thank you for your support.

In December, NY Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia talked about how to move 9/11 Truth forward at a New York Truth Action Project meeting.

On September 7 in NYC the Lawyers' Committee sponsored a major NYC 9/11 event and Roll Call of First responders killed on 9/11.
"Six Minutes of Universal Truth" (All Souls Church).

At The 9/11 Perspectives Master Class in Zurich, Switzerland on September 11, LC Board Members Barbara Honegger and Jane Clark discussed Lawyers' Committee history.

On September 11, LC President David R. Meiswinkle spoke at the National Press Club and outlined the LC legal actions and quoted Plato.

On September 7, NY Fire Commissioner Christopher Gioia spoke at the Lawyers' NYC September 11 Memorial event at All Souls Church.

On September 7 Lawyers' Committee NYC Memorial event LC Litigation Director Mick Harrison provided an update to the Lawyers' Legal Challenges.

Press conference March 25, Washington D.C. FBI Lawsuit announced, speakers included Richard Gage and Bob McIlvaine.

We hope you find these key videos informative. The Lawyers' Committee wants to thank you again for your support in making this past year a very productive year. We would also like to do much more in terms of investigation and litigation in the coming year. The Lawyers' Committee can do this if we can raise the necessary funds, keep the pressure on, and gather the evidence we need to open up the 9/11 investigations through Grand Jury Presentations.

Thank you for your support in this endeavor.

David R. Meiswinkle
President/Executive Director
Lawyers' Committee for 9/1 Inquiry

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization so donations are tax deductible

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