The GoFundTheWall Campaign Raises Millions, Media Outraged, Counter Campaign Started.

The GoFundTheWall Campaign Raises Millions, Media Outraged, Counter Campaign Started.

Truck My Ad
I actually like this more because in invalidates government. People doing for themselves after government refusing to serve the people. Not sure what civil servants do anymore besides take bribes from foreigners and big corporations.

Jennifer Veterans4truth
They are going to flip the hell out bc what's going to happen is they we realize that the people will realize we don't need the Government to do anything and we could get rid of them the IRS etc.... I think the are freaking out bc I was in the military and I know how stupid the Government is with spending they would force us to only order our supplies from one particular company it's was insane I'm not kidding a pack of Bic pens would cost like $200 yeah Bic $2/pack at Walmart or wherever . Screws cost like $10 I was like can we order this stuff from other places this is crazy they said nope this is who our contract is with. They love taking money off the top

The body
That means people are stealing and the same companies are the donors to the politicians who are getting a cut. Someone is pocketing money

Jorge Echeverri
I used to procure consumables for my division in the navy, i know exactly what you mean $100 for a box of trash bags, and our fighter pilots would fill 100% of their tanks, go on short 30 minute training missions and dump all the fuel in the ocean and come back empty, all so their stupid budget doesnt decrease next year, blatant fucking waste in the military!!!