Netanyahu Rabblerouses for War with Iran Again - I Believe Absolutely Nothing That Any Government Tells Me to Justify or Explicate Unnecessary War

Netanyahu nukes:

Have we forgotten everything about modern war? It's virtually always unnecessary, unwarranted unjustified and based on lies, deception and obfuscation. Remember Colin Powell? The Downing Street Memo? Have we forgotten everything? History would be a wonderful of thing if only it were true, thus spake Tolstoy. We overthrew Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in Operation Ajax. Think that may have PO'd the folks? We fall for it every time.

VIDEO: Pat Buchanan Says Netanyahu Was Lying The U.S. Into World War - Netanyahu Rabblerouses for War with Iran Again - I Believe Absolutely Nothing That Any Government Tells Me to Justify or Explicate Unnecessary War - CENSORED REPORT: Trump Knows Obama Armed Iran To Trigger Islamic Armageddon