This Is The Biggest Internet Purge We Have Ever Seen - YouTube's Censorship is Out of Control - An Important Message About YouTube Censorship - THE RICHIE ALLEN SHOW DELETED FROM YOUTUBE - NWO CENSORSHIP 2018 - YouTube is Now ThemTube: Time to Flee the Failed Platform

The banning and censorship of conservative voices on social media continues.

It's not just conservatives being shut down.


Intel Officer: Globalists Attempting To Start Massive New World War: MUST LISTEN

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 2nd, 2018.]

A huge blow to the truth movement ... Richie Allen Show has been removed from youtube ... all part of the NWO agenda to end free speech ...

Whether you agree with everything that Richie Allen aired or not, many of his interviews had valuable information. It all depended on who he interviewed. The fact that You Tube deleted his channel is not good. I suspect that the excuse given, that it was because of his questioning of the recent school shooting, is false. It's more likely that his anti-Zionist bent, coupled with a rising popularity, put him on the radar when it came to censorship.

You Tube would probably allow all sorts of quackery to remain on their platform, so as to act as disinformation, and make the public believe that those who believe in ANY type of high level conspiracy also believe in quackery such as a flat earth. This is the current disinformation tactic being employed online - to poison the well. Previously the main disinformation tactic was to offer up false explanations (on issues like 911 being an inside job) and to sell this using arguments from authority loaded with ridicule in order to build a psychological brick wall when it came to objectively investigating the truth.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, February 27th, 2018.]

Hey, did I mention that YouTube is involved in all-out warfare against independent news sources? Oh, I have? Multiple times? Well, here it is again. If you only get my info from ThemTube, please do check out the ThemTube alternatives out there.

James Corbett is aware of the Richie Allen You Tube deletion.

[Posted at the SpookyWeather blog, March 1st, 2018.]

This Is The Biggest Internet Purge We Have Ever Seen - YouTube's Censorship is Out of Control - An Important Message About YouTube Censorship - THE RICHIE ALLEN SHOW DELETED FROM YOUTUBE - NWO CENSORSHIP 2018 - YouTube is Now ThemTube: Time to Flee the Failed Platform

Truth Exposing Racist Black Panther Movie & Controllers of Hollywood/Music Industry That Got My YouTube Channel "Suspended" AKA Censored - The Left’s War To Censor Patriots Goes Into High Gear! Help Us Fight It!: