Is Pennyslvania, The Amish, In Danger Still? = Terror Camp Coming ? - Guess who Just Bought Land In PA For ‘Learning’...and where did the money come from?

JM Talboo on this story

Did a Shell Company for a Terrorist Cell Just... by debunkerbuster

mel faulkner 3 days ago 

After looking up Hira, would not be surprised one bit if it is found to be a terrorist group front.

mel faulkner 2 days ago
It is a very odd company, one employee and seems to be selling cell phones and internet packages. Looks like a front company of some kind to me.

Robert McCartney 1 day ago 

It wouldn't surprise me if it was a shell company for a terrorist cell.

Rick Gross
I hope,,for their sake,,it isn't going to be like the place in new one is allowed on the property unless your a muslim...and it is a traing camp ...the higher ups in new york know this but turn their heads.....I think the american are going to have to take control of this country..because the politicans have all joined the other side and were doomed..unless we take control now...

Muslim purchase of a 143-acre youth education facility in Pennsylvania has locals on the warpath:

Petition Stop sale of YDC to Hira Educational Services:

The Sound of Muslims: