NEW article - The Wages of Fear

by James Hufferd, Ph.D.,
Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Coordinator


The prophets of economic doom are at it with renewed vigor, and it’s hard for one less-wise to know what to make of their prating. A global currency would, it is true, make abandoning the dollar to jump to something else for international payment more difficult. China is into the U.S. for multiple trillions in gold, it seems, and is once again riled and rife to call in its chits. The EU – the fragile mask hiding naked, enslaved Europe – is crumbling and bankers are livid. The U.S. debt is unsustainable in the short run, with the Chinese nipping and the public not cooperating, not digging deeper to sustain the rich and the tyrants’ killing reputedly vicious invisible nobodies a world away.

Brexit happened. Electorates throughout the west are unruly and rebelling. The Plan is unfolding but imposed slavery not guaranteed, not free. So, so very close to the end and stalled. What’s a self-respecting psychopathic (aka “libertine”) plutocracy to do? Pump up the paralyzing fear!

David Rockefeller’s 1991 Bilderberg meeting credo: “The supernational sovereignty of the intellectual elite and the world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in the past.” (To them, yes). That’s the goal, tantalizingly within reach.

And when the public – American and/or world – becomes angrier and more nauseated than fearful, we can shut it down and take over responsibility for ourselves and the planet.

So, what’s to fear?

1) Manifest (and nauseating) evil, mostly beneath the surface, rumored and occasionally exposed as élite child and adult sex-slave abduction and partying rings, for example, to fuel and contain the lusts of the sick sovereigns. The police and courts at all levels, Congress won’t touch any such. Instructively, it’s the same at the individual level as on the international.

2) Skulking murder of whistle-blowers and witnesses. Give thanks if you don’t have inside knowledge. I am. The police, all levels of bureaucracy, hence the people, won’t attest to knowing anything. The Boulder D.A. was so spooked he avoided meticulously any mention of the fact that the Jon Benet Ramsey grand jury had returned an indictment against élite family members. No one knew it until years later. Lock-jaw, in fact, set into that whole community.

3) Of the simple truth itself – any resort necessary to avoid that. People who do stand up are not embraced by those nearby, but shunned, seen as sanctimonious, somehow defective, other. Cute logics are devised on the spot to protect us and vicariously the world from these deranged outcasts. Join them or even faintly praise them and you’ll likely end up dead, rotting in a dark, damp cell or bunker, or worse, disowned.

4) Fear of war here. Succumb to the argument for keeping it over there – at whatever cost. When we have to deal with a bit of it, it’s a worldwide emergency.

But then, the élite perps are shown to have enough fears of their own:

a) That the public, resisting their proven appeals, will reject by vote their persuasion. There’s Brexit, warned against as a province of the backward and uncivil (and perhaps still subject to being sold out, as the Greek anti-austerity vote was). Their “golden girl”, guaranteeing them 100% open access, 24/7/365, might likewise be nixed, even axed. Meaning likely less accommodating élite control.

b) That the intermediate partners (France, Germany, and that lot) might not be ultimately intimidated and bamboozled enough, and reach around to a resumed accord with Russia.

c) That the unbeatable rivals (Russia, China) might not back down, and could call their bluff. The Great Gamble? “If you don’t surrender and fall into line, we thermo-nuke you. You know we’re just crazy enough.” Let’s all fear lest these biggies give up and fold right in with the NWO.

“By deception we shall make war,” is the perps’ borrowed battle cry. And our ever-fainter hope, accordingly, for global sanity and emancipation, as well Russia’s claim to prevailing rational courage representing every nation is the peaceful, embarrassed disposition we saw of Obama’s red line in Syria. Because, “MAD” means something else besides “Mutual Assured destruction” or “deception”. And Syria, where the U.S. just scuttled the Russians’ newly revealing cease-fire, and the quite suddenly infinitely more-dangerous Sarajevo of our day, warrants oh-so-careful watching, with our dismaying election in the balance, over the next few days.

JH: 9/20/16