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Never Forget the Lies About Air Defense Failures on 9/11

Originally published at Washington’s Blog by Kevin Ryan on 7/4/2016
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about 9/11 is that people often ask us to “Never Forget” while at the same time never learning, let alone remembering, anything about the crimes. This is a beautiful example of Orwell’s concept of Doublethink …
FOIA lawsuit disputes 9-11 Review Commission effort to discredit sensational FBI report

Originally published at the by Dan Christensen on 6/16/16
Two blue ribbon government panels on 9/11, two approaches to public accountability.
The 9/11 Commission held a dozen public hearings before issuing its 567-page report to the nation in 2004. While many of its records remain classified, the commission also …
PRESS RELEASE: New Evidence Concerning Explosions in World Trade Center 7, and the Lack of Blazing Infernos in the South Tower

Originally published at Consensus911.Org on 6/14/16
NEW YORK, June 15, 2016 – Fifteen years after the world-changing events of 9/11, new evidence refuting the official story continues to be unearthed by a Panel of 23 professional researchers.
Today the 9/11 Consensus Panel releases two new Consensus Points presenting further …
Russ Baker Goes In-Depth on the ‘28 Pages’

Originally published at WhoWhatWhy.Org by Russ Baker on 5/5/16
In this podcast with radio host Peter Boyles, WhoWhatWhy founder and editor-in-chief Russ Baker assesses the congressional 9/11 inquiry’s suppressed 28 pages dealing with indications of Saudi ties to the alleged hijackers.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative journalist and the …
My daughter died on 9/11. I should be able to sue Saudi Arabia

Originally published at The Guardian by Donna Marsh O’Connor on 5/20/16
There is a bungee cord tied around my waist, and it tethers me to Ground Zero. The bungee lets me move away, to live a happy life, but it always, always, at any given moment in time (an anniversary, …
Senate report on CIA torture is one step closer to disappearing

Originally published at Yahoo News by Michael Isikoff on 5/16/16
The CIA inspector general’s office — the spy agency’s internal watchdog — has acknowledged it “mistakenly” destroyed its only copy of a mammoth Senate torture report at the same time lawyers for the Justice Department were assuring a federal judge
Saudi officials were ‘supporting’ 9/11 hijackers, commission member says

Originally published at The Guardian by Philip Shenon on 5/12/16
A former Republican member of the 9/11 commission, breaking dramatically with the commission’s leaders, said Wednesday he believes there was clear evidence that Saudi government employees were part of a support network for the 9/11 hijackers and that the Obama …
The Pentagon Event: The Honegger Hypothesis Refuted

Honegger’s hypothesis is that no plane impacted the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and that pre-planted explosives caused most the deaths and damage. Honegger also postulates that a large “white” plane was destroyed outside the Pentagon west wall without causing damage to the wall.
The authors of the above paper …
Uproar Over the 28 Pages: The Saudi/CIA Connection?

Originally published at Huffington Post by Kristen Breitweiser on 5/2/16
Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton wrote an opinion piece last week in USAToday, trying to “temper” feelings surrounding the release of the 28 pages.
Kean and Hamilton wrote, “The 28 pages have generated a lot of public speculation over the …