Skull and Bones: Exposing the Illuminati in America - Bavarian Illuminati in Modern Times

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America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton

In his book The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction author Mark Dice writes:
Antony Sutton was not a Christian fundamentalist or a conspiracy theorist like many try to label those who are interested in subjects such as Skull and Bones or the Illuminatii. His book is an entirely secular and scholarly approach to the subject...

Sutton writes, "The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, changing the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction"...

It is impossible not to see striking similarities between the goals of the Bavarian Illuminati and those of Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft. Russell had returned from a trip to Germany immediately preceding his creation of Skull and Bones. This was also a short period of time after Adam Weishaupt had created the Illuminati in Germany, and it is no stretch of the imagination to think that Russell was granted permission and given instructions on how to expand the Illuminati in America. Many admit that this was in fact the case. Another piece of evidence supporting this is that members of File and Claw society who broke into the Skull and Bones headquarters in 1876 reported that they saw a card placed in a frame and hung on a wall which read, "From the German Chapter. Presented by Patriarch D.C. Gilman of D. 50."

Skull and Bones: Exposing the Illuminati in... by debunkerbuster


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