NEW 911 Truth article - THE CHIP IS COMING

By James Hufferd, Ph.D.
Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization
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     In his 2013 book The Grand Deception, Mujahid Kamran describes some of the workings of what Churchill called the “High Cabal” that, unseen, really controls the world and, in particular, some of the means used historically by one of its affiliates and franchises, the United States of America, the takeover of which began in embryo about a century and a third ago. Dr. Kamran knowingly lauds the American people as overwhelmingly strong preferers of peace, harmony, and tolerance (though the propensity for spontaneous violence in some quarters throughout is fostered by policies instilling domestic resentment and grievance).
     “Whenever US governments wish to shove the US into a great war,” Kamran writes, its agencies, through planned efforts arrange for incidents that lead to the loss of innocent American lives [and] resulting anger … diverted against the ‘enemy’.” And he notes that this tried and true practice, not having gone unnoticed, contributed mightily to widespread suspicion regarding the authorship of 9/11. And in addition, I might add, to growing suspicion of any and all violent incidents killing Americans mostly, but not solely – which happen almost every day now – and that the print and electronic press obligingly make their central stories.
     To my mind, to say that the hidden powers-that-be have by now overplayed their hand and begun to wear out the deceptive value of this much-used trick, employed lately for all sorts of apparent purposes, would not be an exaggeration. And just as most came to the tardy realization that the carnival magician was insulting people’s intelligence to separate them from the coins in their pockets a century and more ago, fewer are being fooled every day now. As for us, we can only point out the trick when we spot it to all and sundry and strive toward the end that the no-longer-fooled will soon comprise an irate quorum in our society. Encouraging in this regard is the fact that our term “false flag” has recently crept its way into general American and British conversation.
     Politically, the controlling élite’s strategy of bankrolling and owning tried and true groomed and initiated secret status-quo, openly change-agent winning candidates, relied on to protect their patrimonial status, has begun to wear through admitting sunlight across the western world. One current harbinger of this is the shockingly successful rousing social democrat Labour Party leadership candidate Jeremy Corbyn in Britain. And then there’s the at least putative Greek rebellion, probably not over yet. Other examples, of course, are Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, surging respectively in defiance of the owned establishment stiffs in the two big parties in the U.S. The story in each case, regardless of precise ideology or program, is the electorate’s brewing disdain for and cold rejection of élite control – of being herded.
     But the High Cabal directing the élite we see (even if barely) contemn democratic oppositions as you contemn the stratagems of ants. In ruthlessly forging the world they demand, they will not be mocked, even if by surges among us millions strong. If the wave of rejection rises too high to manipulate or divert aside, they will declare martial law, suspend constitutional documents (“goddam pieces of paper”) outright, and proceed.
     According to another salient 2013 book, On Western Terrorism: From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare, by Chomsky and Andre Vitchek, upwards of 60 million deaths have occurred due to U.S. military and CIA interventions since. 1945. “Would they really murder three thousand of their own people?” you ask. The next step for controlling élites in the west and China against finally awakened, balking needlessly excess populations to be cut back will be the imposition of the chip Aaron Russo warned us of that they can simply turn off at will. End of story. Please tell me it isn’t so!
     The truth matters NOW – now get excited!
JH: 8/28/15