Time to Stop Another War

Here are a few places I hope to see you:
August 5, Public Forum on Iran Deal with Gareth Porter in CharlottesvilleAugust 18, No Pipeline event in Charlottesville
August 27, Chicago with Kathy Kelly on 87th anniversary of Peace Pact
September 22, DC - Sowing the Seeds of Hope
On this day in 1923 No More War rallies were held in 23 countries. World Beyond War is planning and promoting events around the world marking the 70th anniversary of the nuclear bombs on August 6 and 9, and the 87th anniversary of the Kellogg-Briand Pact on August 27, and the International Day of Peace on September 21. Find events and resources to create events here.
Tell Congress to defend the Iran deal here.

Do you think Pope Francis should speak against U.S. militarism when he visits the United States? Sign a letter to him here.
There's a lot of news at http://WarIsACrime.org
There's lots of news at http://WorldBeyondWar.org
Talk Nation Radio: Do Ethics Professors Behave Ethically? Someone Checked.
Neocon retreat? Discussing Iran Deal on RT
Israel Sees Nazism in Mirror it Mistakes for Window
Hey, I Have an Idea Where They Can Stick the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Left Forum: U.S. Wars of Aggression and Islamic Jihad
George Clooney Opposes War Profiteering While African
Jon Stewart Blew Last Chance to Ask Obama a Question
Panem et Presidential Elections
War Acceptance 101
Talk Nation Radio: Ukraine and the Checkmating of the West
Actually There Is One Problem That's Solved by Starting Wars
Clinton Days Are Here Again!
Yall Are Talking About War Wrong
Lila Garrett’s CONNECT THE DOTS. Guests include:
NBC Dares Mention Climate in Spread of Lyme Disease, But Not Who Created Lyme Disease
AIPAC: Anti-Iranian Propaganda at Congress
What to Ask Candidates

Congressman Robert Hurt Wrong on Iran
ISIS Crisis Exegesis
Audio: David Swanson on Coy Barefoot Show
Talk Nation Radio: David Vine on U.S. Bases Around the World
What Are Foreign Military Bases For?
Read Mumia
Document Shows CIA Reaction to Finding No WMD in Iraq

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