‘The Talk’ and The Truth

by James Hufferd, Ph.D.                                                                          

Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization
     Americans, voting with their feet, seem to love to sit through violent and brutal war movies as a diversion and a release – perhaps to exorcise vicariously what most of us wouldn’t actually do or risk doing in real life – that is, “kick ass”. And to have any kind of decent (or read, if you will, suitably indecent) war movies to get our blood pulsing satisfyingly through our veins, we’ve got to have a “kick-ass” military, one that only lives to (again, please excuse me) “kick ass”.
     And in our country that is (like most) controlled by flows and attached mandates of big – truly BIG! global money, if you’ve got a big honking war machine, you’ve got to give it a lot of stuff to do, and that stuff has got to repay its controllers and direct beneficiaries by eliciting beyond enormous, humungous sums of money in gargantuan transfer payment from taxpayers – transfer payments that go to military interests so huge as to beggar and crowd out totally a whole lot of the rest of the items once rightfully in the federal budget in order to pass (and largely without either comment or the least restraint) the monies in normal times reserved for normal operating expenses into the pockets of the BIG! though demographically hardly existent global financial élite.
      On top of all that unconscionable truly filthy lucre, or blood money, if you will, they “enjoy” the benefit of all of the enormous plunder realized, the great opium cache, the even greater petroleum cache, whatever other gold and cash they can commandeer from the gains slavishly garnered for them by the patriotic troops we’re all so browbeaten to support.
     Note, their field soldiers, the “grunts” –literally, their grabbers – most often subsist on food stamps and later, if they make it back home, have to demonstrate and scavenge for even halfway decent medical treatment and off-street housing in return for all they’ve gone through (or, as an option, simply blow themselves away), while the benefitting élite – our true enemy – continue to binge in their plunder of the treasury and economy of their own decimated country as well from offices on Wall Street (and some, it’s true, in London or Zurich), a country which they apparently despise so much they spit nonstop on all of us. And so, what do we the people get from all of the steady, often covert military operations in the end? We are rewarded prodigiously with ever more war movies, the twin burdens of taxes and darkened dreams, a crumbling infrastructure and environment, long-term deep debt for something we never wanted, hatefulness pervading our very laws and an angry and sour still-spreading ambience of deliberately-planted chaos.
     You can come after me with a machete for saying it, but there is no greater lie in our whole vast and every-growing vile lexicon of such than, when referring to America’s soldiers, to say that they “serve their country”. Wish that it were so! They were, for the most part, at least at some point or other, deceived into thinking that they did – when, in fact, they serve or have served for the perceived “benefit” (discounting the eternal cost to their cast-iron souls) of the heartless and shameless financial and mega-corporate (same thing) élite, who surely must get a thousand-plus-fold return on their “donations” into the campaign “war chests” (so aptly-named) of their crass political lackeys. For that system is what the “land of the free and home of the brave” we all revered growing up – Americans or not, probably – has devolved to.
     And 9/11 – so much ballyhooed in their rhetoric and fashioned into the beginning of all else in terms of dirty and despicable deeds that they’ve done and continue to cover up with their hugely paid lavish daily lies. Their propaganda arm goes on creating scenarios and explanations that wouldn’t pass muster in children’s books, so that 9/11 has in actual fact become but a fiery blip – a single bright star in a growing galaxy – in the unrolling, unending saga of pure evil that royally sustains and condemns this infinitesimal élite alone.
     Young black MSNBC reporter Jonathan Capehart recently said on air, “I remember being given ‘the talk’ that my country was not what I had thought it was, and crying my eyes out.” He was referring, of course, to America’s deplorable dearth of racial justice. But, seriously, have Americans by and large lost their capacity to be moved, repulsed, to cry?  Because, “the talk” in an only slightly different moral depravity context, in the sort of terms I’ve couched it in here, and even far more unsparing and shocking, is what my countrymen and –women need to absorb over and over, syllable by syllable, echoing from every mountain-side, until they finally get it. And then, let freedom and the bell of justice ring!
JH: 4/3/15