The Boehner/Bibi circus is finally in town.
After weeks of media hype and legitimate debate Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress is tomorrow.
Simultaneously, another bad bill, by Sens. Graham and Corker, has been introduced that could block a deal. They plan to use the speech to build support for anti-deal bills.
know I’ve been writing to you a lot about Iran lately. But this is such
a critical moment for diplomacy in this country – and that’s the best
way to stop wars long before they start.
isn't that what the peace movement is all about: using diplomacy to
solve conflicts. Wouldn’t a victory for peace like that be sweet?
That’s why we’re pushing so hard.
So even if you’ve already spoken out on Iran, can you call again today? The Netanyahu speech is just one part of a well-oiled machine. Right now that machine includes Republican party leadership, neocon think tanks, Netanyahu himself, and the hawkish, right-wing lobbying group AIPAC which has its annual D.C. lobby push this week.
let’s make the phones ring and gum up the works of that machine. Most
Americans support diplomacy. We can’t let the right-wing noise machine
drown out our voices.
Can you click here to use our special call-in tool today? The tool lets you know:
Who to call; 2) What to say and 3) If you want … it lets you jot down a
couple notes on what you find out from the office. That information is
invaluable for our lobbying work.
Thanks so much for all you do for peace,
Humbly for Peace,
Kevin Martin
Executive Director Peace Action
P.S. For background you can check out (and share) Peace Action West's Jon Rainwater's piece in the Hill on the anti-diplomacy legislation just introduced.