Re: Your letter to Boehner!

February 26, 2015

Violating protocol in a deliberate attempt to sabotage President Obama’s negotiations with Iran, Speaker John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak in front of a joint session of Congress on March 3rd. We’re thrilled that over 30 Congresspeople have agreed to skip the speech, but we need to hold Congressman Boehner accountable.

Sign this letter to Speaker Boehner to let him know how disgusted you are at his efforts to sabotage diplomacy with Iran.

This weekend in Washington DC we’ll be protesting the Israel lobby AIPAC with 4 days of creative actions. AIPAC’s lobby agenda is to push for the Kirk-Menendez bill to tighten sanctions on Iran, a move that President Obama said would run counter to the nuclear talks. We’ll take your voice to the Hill during the AIPAC lobby day and hand deliver your signature to Speaker Boehner.  
Another policy that AIPAC supports is the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian Territory. On the West Coast, CODEPINK will be confronting the real estate giant RE/MAX for selling settlement homes, in violation of international law. 

From March 4-6 we’ll also be mobilizing at Creech Air Force Base against the US use of killer drones–– a technology developed by both US and Israeli companies. From Gaza to Pakistan, drone warfare has led to the deaths of thousands of innocent people and continue to terrorize entire populations. Show some support for the brave pink activists traveling out into the desert by leaving a note on their facebook page now! 

Please take a minute to forward this email to five of your friends who care about peace in the Middle East.

With hope for peace,

Alli, Anna, Janet, Jodie, Katie, Kristin, Medea, Nalini, Nancy, Nathan, Sergei, Sophia and Tighe

PS: After our tremendously successful 150 person delegation, we’re going back to Cuba for May Day! Join us and invite your friends!